Aid to self-employed people, entrepreneurs and social economy entities


Aid for the creation of new companies and for the incorporation of partners to already constituted companies.

Table of Contents

Aid for the promotion of CSR and work-life balance

It is an Aid Program that consists of two lines:

Line 1ª. Implementation of social responsibility in the self-employed and in small businesses.

Línea 2ª. Work-life balance, family and personal through economic incentives for the promotion of teleworking and flexible working hours.

Esta 2º línea incluye la compra de equipamiento electróniconecesario para el teletrabajo.Acuerdo de 11 November 2020, of the Governing Council. (BOCM nº 281, de 17 November). (*)


Through this line, both the obtaining or renewal of certifications of norms or standards in the field of social responsibility will be subsidized., such as the implementation of master plans or programmes aimed at moving towards such certification.

These norms or standards may be the SA Standard 8000, IQNet SR10 Certification, SG21 certification, EFR (conciliation) or similar.



to) Economic incentives for the promotion of teleworking, incluida la compra de equipamiento electrónicocuandohaya sido necesario para realizarlo.

b) Economic incentives for the promotion of flexible working hours, proportional to the worker's working day.

DEADLINES for the financial year 2020:

Plazo de solicitud extraordinario por la compra de equipamientoelectrónico: del 17 November 2020 to the 16 December 2020.
Beneficiaries:  Los trabajadores autónomos y sociedades que hayan realizado inversiones en equipos electrónicos desde 1 January 2020 to 16 November 2020; incluidaslasempresas beneficiarias de esta subvención porla realizaciónde “Acuerdos de Teletrabajo o flexibilidad horaria”, provided that they have made such expenditure.


Self-employed or self-employed workers, small enterprises and civil societies with legal personality, who carry out their activity in the Community of Madrid.


Requirements for both lines:

That they have contracted a maximum of 50 workers.
That they do not exceed the 10 million euro of annual turnover or its annual balance sheet is less than 43 million euros.
That are not public entities.
Be aware of your state and regional tax and Social Security obligations and have no outstanding debt.
Carry out its activity in the Community of Madrid.

Requirements and amounts

Implementation of social responsibility:

Obtaining or renewing certifications of the norms or standards by paying the 75 % of the costs involved in that process, with a maximum of 2.500 € por beneficiario.
Implementation of Master Plans or Programs to move towards such certification, by paying the 75% of the costs involved in such start-up with a maximum of 2.500 € por beneficiario.

Incentives to promote conciliation: flexibility or teleworking:

Formalize, at least, an agreement for flexible working hours or teleworking, with a worker linked to the company by employment contract.
Hire new staff in the teleworking modality, and establish with the worker an agreement that regulates this situation for a period of time not less than one year.


In the case of teleworking, the aid shall consist of an incentive of 2.500 € por trabajador con un acuerdo individual de teletrabajo, formalized in a telework contract, either by adapting the contract he had in the undertaking or by the performance of a new contract for a person not linked to the undertaking, with the maximum limit of 10.000 € por empresa. The company must provide the means for the effectiveness of the worker's telework.

Likewise, the 75% of the cost of the electronic equipment necessary for the implementation of teleworking in the workplace, with a maximum of 2.500 euros per company. (*)

In the case of flexible hours, the aid shall consist of an incentive of 2.500 € por persona trabajadora, with the maximum limit of 10.000 € por empresa.


This aid is compatible with the current recruitment incentives.

Note: The content of this information is indicative and non-binding, so it is recommended to consult the applicable regulations.

Aid to self-employed workers

These are aids that subsidize part of the expenses necessary for the start-up of their business activity.


  • Unemployed natural persons who register as self-employed workers, self-employed in the corresponding Social Security scheme or in the mutual society of the corresponding professional association.
  • Las personas previstas en el punto anterior que sean miembros de sociedades civiles o de comunidades de bienes. También los socios de sociedades mercantiles, as long as they are not members of the company's management body.
  • The persons provided for in the first point, who are working or working members of cooperatives or labour societies.

For the purposes of determining the date of commencement of activity as a self-employed person shall be considered, in any case, the date of initial registration in the Economic Activities Tax.


El importe final de la ayuda será el80 % of justified expenditure, in accordance with the eligible costs set out in the Article 4.2 of the Regulatory Standards.

To.- ITEM EXPENSES 4.2 (all expenditure except that referred to in point (p))

Self-employed in general2.500 €750 €
Unemployed young people under the age of 30 years, unemployed women, unemployed over 45 years, long-term unemployed who have been registered with an employment office during, at least, twelve of the previous eighteen months, women victims of gender-based violence, victims of terrorism, and persons with disabilities with a degree equal to or greater than 33%.3.080 €750 €


B.- ITEM EXPENSES 4.2 LETTER p) – Expenditure on tangible and intangible FIXED ASSETS.

El importe de la ayuda se podrá incrementar en1.500 euros maximum para atender gastos contemplados enthe letter p) del artículo 4.2 (tangible and intangible fixed assets).

Therefore, the maximum amount of the subsidy will be extended, in general, to the 4.000 Euros, and for specific groups up to 4.580 Euros.
In any case, the granting of this aid shall be conditional on the beneficiary making an expenditure with its corresponding payment that is necessary for the development of the activity, excluding VAT or equivalent indirect taxes where they are eligible for recovery or compensation, entre losthree months previous a la fecha de inicio de la actividad como trabajador/a por cuenta propia y lostwo months later a dicho inicio.


Eligible costs, which must be necessary for the start-up of the business activity and respond to the nature of the business, may be:

  • Notary Fees, Registrar and Technical Engineers as a result of the constitution and start-up of the business activity.
  • Attorneys' Fees, Advisors and management expenses related to the constitution and start-up of the business activity.
  • Registration of patents and trademarks.
  • Expenses necessary for the replacement and / or transfer of the business, including diagnostic studies and necessary counselling or assistance.
  • Health inspection fee and urban planning licenses.
  • Rental of premises for the development of the activity as well as rental of rooms for the temporary provision of services in coworking spaces or private business incubators, referring to the months corresponding to the eligible period.
  • Development of website and other e-commerce applications that are necessary for the exercise of the activity.
  • Maintenance costs, repair and maintenance of the premises intended for the professional activity to be carried out by the applicant.
  • Expenses related to the Compulsory Prevention Service to the self-employed who hire their first worker.
  • Expenses incurred for registration on the Internet, or for licensed access to the use of specific software (the purchase of professional software may be included in Annex II.B: Expenditure on tangible and intangible fixed assets).
  • Expenses arising from compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Research and development expenditure for the financial year to which the grant is charged.
  • Advertising and propaganda expenditure (with the exception of public relations).
  • Premiums for liability insurance and other insurance necessary for the activity.
  • Fees of professional associations.
  • Expenditure on discharge of water supplies, gas and electricity.
  • Bills for water consumption, Internet, gas and electricity corresponding to the premises where the business activity is carried out, and in relation to eligible months.
  • Expenditure on tangible and intangible fixed assets, not provided for in the previous sections.

VAT and other expenditure which may be the subject of a subsidy shall not be considered eligible expenditure, bonus or exemption by other public or private bodies or institutions.


  • Be up to date with tax obligations and with Social Security.
  • Carry out its activity in the Community of Madrid.
  • Be unemployed and registered as a jobseeker in the Employment Offices of the Community of Madrid, on the date immediately preceding the commencement of the activity as a self-employed person, considering that date, the initial registration in the Economic Activities Tax.
  • Register in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers, within the special regime for self-employed account that corresponds or mutuality of the professional association as a practitioner.
  • Not have carried out the same activity in the six months prior to the date of registration as a self-employed person.
  • In addition, the beneficiaries are obliged to comply with the maintenance of the registration in the corresponding Social Security or mutuality regime of the Professional Association as a person exercising the activity, for at least two years.
  • For the justification of payments, only those made by bank transfer and bank card are allowed as valid means of payment.


The deadline for submitting applications will be three months from the date of commencement of the activity of the self-employed worker.

The application must be submitted after the start of your activity as a self-employed person, and once the expenses have been made and the payments derived from the start-up of its activity have been made.

IMPORTANT: applications submitted before or after the period indicated shall be considered INADMISSIBLE.


 Sí.Es compatible con la ayuda para la ampliación de laFlat Rate for Freelancers.


  • Inpaper, in any register of the General Administration of the State, of the Autonomous Community or of the City Councils.


The beneficiary must remain registered in the corresponding Social Security or mutual insurance scheme of the Professional Association as a practitioner of the activity, for at least two years.

During this period, the beneficiary is obliged to inform the managing body of any variation that occurs in relation to his situation of registration as a self-employed person.

If the beneficiary has not remained registered or has not fulfilled during the whole period all the conditions to receive the aid, you must make the proportional refund of the same.

Note: The content of this information is indicative and non-binding, so it is recommended to consult the applicable regulations.

Extension of the flat rate for freelancers

This aid allows the self-employed in the Community of Madrid to extend for a maximum of twelve additional months the flat rate of Social Security contribution; at the end of the initial period of the state incentive, the self-employed will receive financial aid from the Community of Madrid, that will allow them to maintain the cost in the payment of their Social Security contributions during 12 additional months.


The self-employed who have registered in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers of the Social Security (CHALLENGES) or in the Special System for Agricultural Self-Employed Workers (MUSHROOM) meeting the requirements to be beneficiaries of the state flat rate.

Also the members of worker cooperatives or labor societies framed in the RETA.


  • Carry out the activity in the Community of Madrid.
  • Maintain during the 12 months that the aid lasts the conditions that gave the right to enjoy the reductions of the State.
  • Be aware of tax obligations with the State Administration, with the Community of Madrid and with the Social Security.


The self-employed who have registered in the RETA and meet the conditions to be beneficiaries, may submit the application during the last two months of the initial period of enjoyment of the State reduction and until the last day of the second month following that period.

IMPORTANT: applications submitted before or after the period indicated shall be considered INADMISSIBLE.


  • Esincompatiblecon la ayuda dequota bonus por capitalización de desempleo.


The amount of the grant will be paid in an advance payment and will be made, when the initial period of state reduction has elapsed, by the amount of the 12 eligible months.


Exclusivamente de forma electrónica a través del Portal deDigital Administrationof the Community of Madrid.


If the beneficiary has not remained in high or has not fulfilled during the whole period all the conditions to receive the aid must make the proportional reimbursement of the same.

Note: The content of this information is indicative and non-binding, so it is recommended to consult the applicable regulations.

Program for the Promotion of Collective Entrepreneurship

The objective of this program is to promote collective entrepreneurship in the Region by granting aid that covers part of the initial expenses necessary for the constitution of cooperatives and labor societies, as well as for the qualification of insertion companies, part of the investments necessary for the creation of cooperatives and labor societies, or for its expansion and development, and that also subsidize the incorporation of partners to social economy companies, specifically, cooperatives, labour societies and insertion companies.

Likewise, these subsidies are intended to complement the business advisory service that the Community of Madrid provides to the people of Madrid, hand in hand with the associations of the self-employed and the social economy of the region, allowing to publicize the advantages of collective entrepreneurship and the benefits of the different formulas of the social economy.

It is an Aid Program that consists of four lines:


Through this line, part of the initial expenses of setting up new cooperatives and labor societies will be subsidized, as well as the definitive qualification of insertion companies, and part of the Social Security expenses of the constituent partners of these entities, in the event that they opted for the General Social Security Regime.

Up to a maximum of 12.000 euros per newly created entity.

The amount will be extended to 15.000 euros for the case of new entities that develop their activity in municipalities of less than 2.500 inhabitants, which will promote the development of rural nuclei, in the case of entities set up by minors of 30 years, and in the case of entities that develop their activity in the energy sector, social, environmental, new technologies, dependency or education.

Specifically, will be subsidized:

  • Contribution expenses of the General Social Security Regime of the constituent members of the cooperative or labor society, as well as the constituent partners of the company qualified as an insertion company and expenses derived from the hiring of directors and managers by these entities, calculated on the basis of the worker's gross annual costs, considering the salaries reflected in the payrolls and contributions made to the General Social Security Regime for the months requested.
  • Notary Fees, Registrar and Technical Engineers as a result of the constitution and start-up of the company.
  • Attorneys' Fees, Advisors and management expenses related to the constitution and start-up of the company.
  • Expenses necessary for the replacement and / or transfer of the business, including diagnostic studies and necessary counselling or assistance.
  • Expenses derived from the processes of transformation of entities with already existing economic activity into cooperatives, labour companies or insertion companies.
  • Feasibility studies and business plans.
  • Health inspection fee and urban planning licenses.
  • Rental of premises for the development of the activity as well as rental of rooms for the temporary provision of services in coworking spaces or private business incubators.
  • Maintenance costs of website and other e-commerce applications that are necessary for the exercise of the activity.
  • Maintenance costs, repair and maintenance of the premises intended for the professional activity to be carried out by the applicant.
  • Expenses incurred for registration on the Internet, or for licensed access to the use of specific software (excluding in any case the acquisition of professional software).
  • Expenses arising from compliance with data protection regulations.
    Research and development expenditure for the financial year to which the grant is charged.
  • Advertising and propaganda expenditure (with the exception of public relations). -Premiums for liability insurance and other necessary insurance. -Fees of professional associations.
  • Expenditure on discharge of water supplies, gas and electricity, as well as bills for water consumption, Internet, gas and electricity corresponding to the premises where the business activity is carried out, and in relation to eligible months.
  • Expenses related to obtaining accreditations and certifications by authorized bodies and entities.
  • Expenses derived from compliance with the regulations on Occupational Risk Prevention.
    Expenditure for the implementation of quality standards and environmental management systems.
  • Expenses derived from the preparation and implementation of Business Plans for Gender Equality.
  • Expenses of training of the personnel of the companies for the adequate elaboration of their report of social responsibility.

VAT and other expenditure which may be eligible for a subsidy shall not be eligible, bonus or exemption by other public or private bodies or institutions.


Through this line, part of the expenses derived from the hiring of advisors by the associations of self-employed will be subsidized, of cooperatives, of labor societies, of insertion companies and special employment centres in the region, who meet the requirements to be laid down, when providing general information and advisory services on aspects related to the creation and implementation of a business project, individually or collectively.

The amount of the subsidy will be determined by the number of full-time and indefinite workers that the organization or association has for the realization of advice, during the calendar year preceding the submission of the application, without the need for new contracts.

The entity must have at least two workers hired directly by the organization, full-time and indefinitely, throughout the calendar year preceding the application.

The maximum subsidy shall be 50 by 100 of the gross monthly salary of the worker hired by the association on a full-time basis and indefinitely, including the social security expenses of the company derived from said worker, up to the limit of 3 times the Minimum Interprofessional Wage of the reference year corresponding to that worker, in relation to, at the most, to the 12 months corresponding to the calendar year immediately preceding that of the submission of the application, and up to a maximum of 150.000 euros per entity.

The entities must provide a detailed report with the advice carried out by the advisors and the activities in which they have participated during the calendar year of reference.


Investments must be made in tangible or intangible fixed assets, and must be necessary for the creation of cooperatives and labor societies, for the expansion and development of its existing structures, as well as for the incorporation of new information and communication technologies.

The beneficiary's contribution to the financing of investments should be at least 50 by 100.

The amount of the subsidy, alone or in competition with other public aid or subsidies, shall be at most 50% of the investment made for the start-up of the social economy enterprise, for expansion or development, and up to a maximum of 20.000 euros per entity per year.

In the case of vehicles, the amount of the subsidy per vehicle may not exceed 10.000 Euros. For computer equipment the subsidy will not exceed 250 euros per team, with a maximum of six per beneficiary entity. For mobile telephony the subsidy will not exceed 150 euros per terminal, with a maximum of three per beneficiary entity.


There are two types of aid:

  • direct aid to social economy enterprises, that come from the Aid Program for the Promotion of Employment and the Improvement of the Competitiveness of Cooperatives and Labor Societies.
  • direct aid to new partners for contributions to share capital, that are newly created.

The incorporation of the partner must mean in both cases an increase in employment with respect to the average of the 12 months prior to the date of incorporation of the new partners for whom the aid is received.

This subsidy may not be granted in the case of incorporation of working or working partners who had held such status in the same company in the two years prior to their incorporation as partners, but yes in the case of having been workers.

to) Aid to social economy enterprises to which they join.

Cooperatives are subsidized, labour companies or insertion companies that incorporate worker or work partners in their own company.

The aid will be 5.000 euros for each worker or work partner incorporated, or 10.000 EUR in the case of the long-term unemployed (those unemployed who have worked less than 6 months in the last 18 months), people in a situation of social exclusion, persons with disabilities recognized to a degree equal to or greater than 33%, young people under the age of 35 years and women.

The maximum number of members to be subsidized per entity may not exceed five.

b) Aid to new partners for their contributions to the share capital.

The amount of the subsidy shall be 50 % of the contribution to the capital of the company, up to a maximum of 3.000 Euros.

The aid will be subject to the effective incorporation as a partner as well as the reflection of the subsidized contribution to the capital of the company, in the accounting entries of the same.

The subsidy, in isolation or in competition with other subsidies or aid launched by other public administrations and affecting the same eligible activity, may not exceed the 50% of the total contribution necessary for its incorporation as a partner, without prejudice to compatibility with tax incentives/allowances, with the capitalization of unemployment for the contribution to social capital, or other aid which does not have a direct impact on the subsidy of the contribution to the share capital.


  1. In the first line of subsidy, cooperatives, labor companies and insertion companies constituted or qualified within the established period.
  2. On the second line, professional associations of the self-employed, of cooperatives, of labor societies, of Insertion Companies and Special Employment Centers, whose scope of action is the Community of Madrid, in accordance with its Statutes, and have, at least, two workers hired full-time and indefinitely directly by the organization to provide services to the self-employed or social economy entity, throughout the calendar year preceding the submission of the application.
  3. On the third line, cooperatives and labour societies that make the necessary investments for their implementation, growth or development, from 1 January 2019, and in relation to the expenditure involved in such investment, for the second line of grants.
  4. On the fourth line, persons who join cooperatives as members, labour societies and insertion companies, from 1 January 2019, as well as cooperatives, labour companies and insertion companies to which these partners join.

Maintenance of employment is required, not of the specific subsidised contract.


  • For the first line of grants, the deadline for submitting applications shall be ten months from the date of incorporation of the cooperative or labour society, or provisional qualification in the case of insertion undertakings, must be submitted after said constitution or definitive qualification, and once the expenses have been incurred and the necessary payments have been made for it.
    The expenses must have been incurred in the period between the three months prior to the date of incorporation of the cooperative or labor society, or six months prior to the provisional qualification of the insertion company, and the nine months following such constitution or provisional classification.
  • For the second line of grants, the deadline for submission of applications shall correspond to the first two months of the calendar year (January and February), and must refer to the actions of the association in the 12 months of the year immediately preceding such request.
  • For the third line of grants, the deadline for submitting applications shall be the first two months of the calendar year, and must relate to investments made in the twelve months of the year immediately preceding the submission of such application.
  • For the fourth line of grants, the deadline for submitting applications will be three months from the effective incorporation of the partner to the entity, considering that such effective incorporation occurs at the moment in which the employment relationship between the person who joins and the company arises.

Note: The content of this information is indicative and non-binding, so it is recommended to consult the applicable regulations.

Single payment of the contributory benefit

If you are thinking of starting a self-employment, you can benefit from the one-time payment to set up your company; this measure facilitates self-employment initiatives by paying in a single payment the amount of unemployment benefit to beneficiaries.


  • Those beneficiaries of an unemployment benefit of contributory level, who intend to start a business project, individual or corporate.
  • Those who receive a subsidy cannot access, RAI (Active Insertion Income) or any other assistance.


  • Have ceased with total and definitive character in the employment relationship.
  • Have pending to perceive, at least, three months of unemployment benefit.
  • Not have been a beneficiary of the single payment of unemployment benefit, in any of its modalities, in the previous four years.
  • Not having reconciled self-employment with unemployment benefit at the contributory level in the 24 months prior to the application.


IMPORTANTThe application must be submitted prior to registration as a self-employed or self-employed worker.

  • Si pretendes iniciar la actividad o incorporarte a unaMERCANTILE COMPANY, COOPERATIVE or LABOR SOCIETY, puedes comenzar la tramitación de la solicitud enviando un correo electrónico a[email protected].​

Si conoces la documentación que hay que presentar, no need to make an appointment y puedes presentarla junto con lasingle payment request y dirigirla a la Dirección General de Autónomos de la Comunidad de Madrid:

  • Deforma electrónicaa través delTelematic Registration de la Consejería de Economía, Finance and Employment.
  • Inpaper, in any register of the General Administration of the State, of the Autonomous Community or of the City Councils.
  • Si pretendes iniciar la actividad comoINDIVIDUAL FREELANCER, CIVIL SOCIETY or COMMUNITY OF GOODS, you must process the application, in the SEPE benefits office that corresponds to you by your domicile, pidiendoAPPOINTMENT.

Aid for the Payment of Social Security Contributions, after capitalizing on unemployment benefit

Subsidies consisting of the payment of Social Security contributions to recipients of unemployment benefit in its single payment modality.


Quienes hayan capitalizado la prestación por desempleo o cese de actividad en la modalidad de pago único a tanto alzado por su valor actual o capitalización totalcertificada por alguna de las oficinas gestoras del Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE).


  • If the registration is in the Self-Employed Regime, the maximum 50 % of the minimum contribution quota, according to annual legal regulations.
  • If the registration is in the General Regime, the 100 % of the contributions paid by the worker, according to annual legal regulations.


  • The same period of time to which you would have been entitled to collect unemployment benefit if it had not been received in its single payment method, which begins on the same day of registration in the Social Security (FF) and until the end of the total number of capitalized days.
  • When requesting the period, it must be taken into account that the subsidy is only granted once the monthly payments to the Social Security have been made and justified, therefore, it is desirable to group payments into periods of 3 to 6 months.


  • 6 meses desde la fecha de alta en el correspondiente régimen de Seguridad Social.
  • The presentation of the monthly contribution documents will be carried out as the beneficiary makes the payment of his monthly contributions to the corresponding Social Security system..

The deadline for submitting requests for bonus monthly installments ends on 6 months of the monthly payment requested


  • It is compatible with the aid to Workers who are self-employed.
  • It is compatible with the aid of the Promotion of the Social Economy.
  • It is incompatible with the aid for the extension of the Flat Rate for Self-Employed.

Note 1: The self-employed payment receipts must be domiciled in the name of the person who registers in the self-employed regime. Never in the name of the company.

Note 2: In order to process this grant, People who have accepted the cessation of activity must attach to their application a document certifying the start and end dates of the cessation of activity.

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