How to advertise your services in the bank of time


The implementation of the time bank always revolves around the services available, but for this to gain value it is necessary to offer it from a highly useful perspective, that is why the crucial thing lies in the publicity of the type of trade, knowledge and skill that you want to project behind an alternative service.

This means that this community is feeding from the hiring, so that then there is a remuneration, that can be simplified in time available in favor of the reception of services, to cover all kinds of needs, this causes a collaborative community to be formed.

Services are the lifeblood of the time bank

To operate the time bank it is vital that there is an offer of services, this generates support for needs, it's like finding answers that completely change your routine, and in favor of the one who fulfills these works, you get an amount of time in your favor.

The types of sharing economy are exposed through this exchange community, but with the difference that the currency that accumulates in favor of the participants is time, to then receive that amount of time in favor and solve complications that may arise in the routine.

No matter what it's home, the office and the social context, services of this nature can be used as an exchange to dedicate and harvest time, that way it is possible to acquire power and a good location over the development of this bank, where the key measure is to share and receive the necessary help.

The sustenance of the time bank is service

To get ahead only you must expose the best qualities of your services, as it can be; "I'm a graphic design student, I offer basic Photoshop services, and design classes", this proposal emits first of all your quality, and then the service you are willing to offer to the other participants.

Progressively the time bank, acquires or adds more forms of exchanges, provided that the services can be offered in an appropriate manner, where the flashy look should be preserved, that way you can attract a greater conviction to help others, to later get a response to the height.

In the sharing economy, the service proposal helps to measure more closely the amount of benefits that are involved, this is important so that the interest that strengthens a platform of this type remains alive or latent, willing to ask for and issue help through useful services.

The motivation of services after the bank of time

Advertising of the services that are part of the time bank, it's key because it keeps the other communications, about the solutions available for your problems or situations, as long as there is an attractively published response, the flow of demand and support may still be alive.

In Airbnb sharing economy there is a clear example that services need seductive advertising, but above all starting or starting from the professional aspect that is striking for those who may need guidance about that particular sector or field.

On the other hand you can not forget to identify yourself, that is, try to visualize and make your name known so that more users can trust the exchange proposal you propose, these details are overlooked, but in the long run they are the ones who maintain credibility on the time exchange platform.

Simplicity and concrete data on the time bank

About any collaborative platform examples, it is important that services are in line with the needs of this sector., it is normal that on sectors such as design, computer science, transportation and repairs, that you start by stating a solution, and an area to then expose your service as part of the solution.

It's very easy to gain attention on the time bank, especially when you use empathy to reach more participants, i.e. following the radar of modern needs, to then move it into services, this causes you to be selected and you can gain the necessary time that you can use in favor.

The true way to advertise a service, it has to do from the spirit and above all the understanding that can be provided, in this way the offer will be able to hog the spotlight on the area that encompasses all that set of services.


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