Category: Collaborative consumption


Token Minute (MINU)

With the aim of supporting a collaborative economy, decentralized and sustainable, Tic Tac Bank has minted the Minute token (MINU). A fund that correlates the value placed on people's average job investment time. The Minute cryptocurrency (MINU) will be established as a means of payment for labor action or service, Avoiding


How mutual credit works

Everything that is part of collaborative consumption, generates the creation and availability of different financial instruments, one of them is mutual credit, which has a lot to do with a whole monetary system that is related to time banks, because it's about generating a loan that doesn't


When hours are converted into currency

The main asset or raison d'être of a time bank, it is the same time because it is what is subsequently exchanged to receive some kind of service, but it's all based on the accumulation of time that can be lent or devoted to the rest., since later that level of collaboration goes


What kind of services can be offered in time banks

The operation that is part of the banks of time, it is a system that undergoes the adaptation that each platform wishes to adopt, but the basic and indispensable thing is that it is an exchange of services and articles, therefore it is vital to know what kind of services are part of this collaborative modality.


Social impact of time banks

Time banks are the follow-up to a social cause itself, since it is a model where it seeks to provide answers for everyone who needs it, from the contribution of one's talent or own knowledge, which is more supportive than traditional businesses where only one traditional currency is used for consideration.


Evolution of the weather banks

The concept of time banks is anchored directly with the fusion of collaboration and economics, from this starting point it is presented as an idea that is in full evolution and positive growth above all, where modalities adapted to each era and to social need are implemented. The