
Access to Tic Tac Bank is permitted to anyone over 18 years committed to complying with the rules, terms and rules of operation of the community/Tic Tac Bank platform.


Tic Tac Bank is understood as a user contacting system in order to facilitate the exchange of services. Tic Tac Bank is not responsible for any problems arising during the exchange, so that they should be the users, based on your good faith, who make it clear what their service consists of before offering it, as well as to stipulate the characteristics of this.
Even Tic Tac Bank not taking responsibility for a misuse of the exchange system, if it reserves the right to take action in this regard provided that it deems it necessary, such measures relate to the expulsion of community members and the relevant collection of minute claims..


One of the principles on which Tic Tac Bank is based, it's in people's good faith, so it is understood to accept the conditions when being part of the community, that the user will not reveal the identity of the person who has offered the service or to whom it has been performed, except in cases of force majeure.

Minutes (Time credits)

Tic Tac Bank awards 60 minutes to new users during the beta phase to promote fluidity of service exchanges. Tic Tac Bank reserves the right to embargo time credits in the event of irresponsible or fraudulent conduct by users.

Tic Tac Bank is not responsible for any system failure and the consequent loss of user credits. However, we will do our best to try to resolve the problem..

So it is recommended not to have stored a large number of minutes (time credits) on the platform.


The requests for the collection of credits for services and exchange of objects offered will be made by the users of Tic Tac Bank, supervised by a member authorized by Tic Tac Bank, and with the agreement of both parties.
Any existing claims must be made before they have elapsed 7 working days from the completion of the operation.

Tic Tac Bank Mediation

All Tic Tac Bank users agree to accept tic tac bank's mediation in conflicts that may arise once they register on the platform.

Tic Tac Bank is not responsible for possible physical or material damage that may be caused in the exchanges, although it reserves the right to take measures by charging extra credits and/or suspending the account if Tic Tac Bank deems it appropriate..

Serious or repeated breach of Tic Tac Bank's rules and terms of service will result in the loss of Tic Tac Bank's user status.

Rules of use

  • Each tic tac bank partner, you will be the holder of an online account where you can check your credit balance, transfer and collect, and request services.
  • Negative numbers are not accepted, so you will not be able to request any services if your account is left in 0 credits.
  • To participate it is required to be older than 18 years.
  • To request or offer a service, it is necessary to fill in all the information required in the forms, at the same time it is recommended to discuss the appropriate details with the user to whom the service is referred, such as how it can be; available hours, duration, additional material, description of the activity, additional costs if any, etc.
  • Tic Tac Bank, serves as a mediator between partners in order to exchange services, so in no case is responsible for the quality of these vis-eds to the user, although if able to take timely measures to the user performer of the service.
  • Never hold Tic Tac Bank responsible for any tax incident that the user may have.
  • Tic Tac Bank members must respond to the notices issued through the platform and must be punctual in their appointments. In case of not being able to attend an activity, you must notify the user in advance, in case of not doing so, the collection of the time credits will be made and if additional material has been required for the service, the value of this will be translated into the amount of credits that will also be collected.
  • Don't use swear words, inappropriate or insults.
  • Sexually themed favors will not be included, or any word about the sexual theme.
  • Be truthful in the skills offered and in the objects offered. Do not publish information that does not conform to reality.
  • In services where there are dependents, the person responsible for them will accompany them.

Intellectual property

The brand, logo and multimedia content, as well as images that appear in Tic Tac Bank, are the intellectual property of Tic Tac Bank and may not be used or reproduced without the express permission of Tic Tac Bank.