Category: Tic Tac Bank


Self-employment through the bank of time

The modality of the time bank, is becoming an important avenue of entrepreneurship, which is key in the face of such a busy labor market, because this platform allows you to offer your best qualities or products, so you can gain good qualification and experience as you provide support. Any service you are able to provide,


Benefits and business opportunities of the collaborative economy

The business of the collaborative economy is increasingly presented as a trend to follow, due to the amount of benefits it provides, which start with a large or large number of offers, which allows the final consumer to win, and everyone at some point settles on that role. Traditional shops


The startup of the time bank Tic Tac Bank

The proposal from the time bank Tic Tac Bank, is considered or designed to promote exchange and transactions from a collaborative point of view, this in general means that the platform is formed to issue solutions and connections on users or participants. The use of the startup allows you to create


The future of sustainable alternative economies

Every economic difficulty today, causes alternative economies to be generated, this modality is designed as a response to difficulties and currently all point towards a much more collaborative development, given that these are economic models that are more aware of social development. The future of these tools or